Faculty's Dean


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Alhamdulillah, the Faculty of Languages and Communication at UniSZA has taken a more dynamic step with the launch of the new FBK website, in line with the current era driven by technology and the IR4.0 generation.


With fresher and more up-to-date content and presentation, it is hoped that visitors to this website will not only benefit from and gain knowledge about activities and information related to FBK but also get to know FBK more closely. FBK, which is supported by four undergraduate programs in language and communication and four postgraduate programs, will strive to make this platform a medium for the development of knowledge related to language and communication, in line with FBK's motto, “Impacting Lives Through Languages.”


In line with UniSZA's motto, “Ilmu Demi Faedah Insan,” it is hoped that this FBK website can contribute as much as possible toward realizing the mission and vision of both FBK and UniSZA.


Dr. Zurina binti Khairuddin

Hubungi Kami


Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
Kampus Gong Badak
21300 Kuala Nerus
Terengganu Darul Iman

Tel : 09-668 8100 
Faks : 09-668 7844

Ikuti Kami


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